Friday 19th April 2024


Monday Morning Numbers

Iowa is thisclose to hitting six figures when it comes to the number of confirmed COVID tests to date. The Monday morning total is...

Will There Or Won't There...

With everything that is going on, there are some people who want to know one thing right now… Will trick or treating be allowed...

Additional Utility Bills Help

State officials have announced low-income Iowa households may be eligible for up to two-thousand dollars to help pay overdue utility bills. Under this new...

Moving Closer To Six Figures

The community spread of the rona continues to spread the numbers upwards on the state’s website. 928 new cases since midday yesterday for a...

Supplies Are Plentiful

No matter what the temp may be at the moment, we all are acutely aware that cold weather will be here soon enough. Deb...

Latest Tally

Slow, but steady progress reported for the annual campaign to benefit the Marshalltown Area United Way. As of this morning, 52 percent or 408,650.81...

Ames Shooting

Ames police investigating a shooting yesterday at Brookside Park. A man showed up at Mary Greeley Medical Center just after 5:30 yesterday afternoon with...

Another Overnight Jump

880 new confirmed cases and 14 additional COVID-related deaths added to the state’s website this morning. 25 new cases in Story County, nine in...

Sidewalk Safety

It was May 2019 when  8-year old Christian Maxon was struck and killed by a car while cross the street near Franklin Elementary in...


If you are one of 729 people who reside in Ames precinct 1-4, check that absentee ballot. It may not be for you. The...