The Dave Ramsey Show | 4pm – 5pm & 8pm – 10pm
Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business, but his beginnings as a personal money-management expert were anything but a walk in the park. 25 years ago, Dave began his radio show in Nashville a few years after climbing out of personal bankruptcy. In order to understand Dave’s passion, sincerity, and the intimate connection he makes with each listener, you need to know his story. This story is what drives him to put on the radio headset every day. The goal? To provide a real, authentic, and life-changing message.
The Dave Ramsey Show
The Dave Ramsey Show is about life and how that happens to revolve around money. Real life – the way it really happens every day in America. Our listeners are looking for truth, for real answers, for hope. They respond to Dave’s tough love and appreciate the straight-talk.
Over the past 25 years, The Dave Ramsey Show has grown from a local show in Nashville, TN, to talk radio’s 3rd largest nationally syndicated show, with a combined weekly listenership of over 16 million. We’re independently syndicated, which means every one of our 600+ radio stations and those relationships are extremely important to us.
Ramsey Solutions
After hitting rock bottom at the age of 30, Dave started our company literally on a card table in his living room. 25 years later, Ramsey Solutions has grown to over 900 team members. And your next question is “What on earth do you all do?”
Ramsey Solutions is much more than The Dave Ramsey Show itself. We’ve built a company centered on every part of our listener’s life. We want our affiliate sales team to embrace the entire Ramsey brand as a tool in their sales arsenal. Whether through the radio show, best-selling books, media appearances, live events, or classes—there are multiples ways for you and your client to experience our brand.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daveramsey
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramseyshow
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thedaveramseyshow?sub_confirmation=1